Entry 3 ACC
Right after the horrible experience with the Scouts of Taiwan, we left for ACC, short for American Club in China. Like I said before that place is EPIC, Clark offered all the food cause he is a member. After a real American meal, the workout session began, we use the gym first, it was pretty interesting cause this is the first time I've been in a real gym, with all the real gym. After the gym, we went swimming in the pool, mostly to wash of the sweat and fool around, but the diving board was really fun. We had fun till about 5 P.M. In case you didn't know, we are training for Northern Tier, a camp where you paddle on water for 10 days. I'll get into detail when the time is right.
Entry 2 Scouts of Taiwan invitation
Well, as I said in my journal, the invitation was just a verbal comment, no real " we will welcome you heartily" shit. So basicly this is what happened. It did not start well, we were expecting 30 or so people with us, but only 3 came , Clark, Johnson and me. Clark has a bad case of flu and was half an hour late. then we found out that the invitation was the come and play type, so we spent most of our time wandering around and hopping that we didn't come. After 2 hours of hopping that i didn't come, we decided to go to Y17 and chill in the Computer room. It was then that I found out that they had shut down the com lab from all gaming, and was only used for "educational reasons". that pretty much ended our interest to hang around and we left.
Entry 1
this will be one of my first recorded scout meetings, during this meeting we focused on the merit badges we needed in order to get Eagle, and also we had some discussion on the scouts of Taiwan invitation on march 7, our crew guide gave a quite inspiring speech about doing what your supposed to do and focus on one thing at a time. I think that he is absolutely correct and we should spend our time wisely and get things done with greater efficiency, I'll try to possibly go with that for as long as my will would go.